
StreamScope XM ATSC 3.0 Broadcast Stream Analyzer

ATSC 3.0 broadcast stream analyzer

StreamScope XM MT

StreamScope XM is the most advanced ATSC 3.0 broadcast stream analyzer.

Comprehensive ATSC 3.0 analysis

For ATSC 3.0 trials and deployments, StreamScope XM provides complete real-time analysis of ROUTE, MMTP, and STLTP streams from RF, Ethernet, and PCAP file inputs at multiple delivery points.

For NextGen TV quality assurance

StreamScope XM MT Broadcast Summary subview

StreamScope XM performs the most complete analysis of ATSC 3.0 streams available today. (Click to enlarge.)

Available in rackmount or portable platforms, StreamScope XM enables engineers to monitor services, troubleshoot problems, render video and audio streams, verify signaling, configure rules, design reports, trigger notifications, view ESGs, and more, to ensure NextGen TV broadcast quality.

Free Webinar! Click StreamScope XM for a full demo.

  • Ethernet, RF, STLTP, and PCAP file inputs
  • Video thumbnails, HDR audio levels, QOS ratings, bitrates, and more
  • Verifies SMT, SLT, SLS, EFDT, and other tables
  • Supports ROUTE and MMTP protocols
  • Renders video streams with HEVC transcoding New!
  • Supports DRM encryption as per A3SA specifications. New!
  • Configurable analysis rules and rule clusters
  • Stream object buffering and frequency graphs
  • Protocol stack and data structure diagrams
  • System table locations, intervals, and details
  • Advanced RF analysis with SNR, Cartesian graphs, LDPC, and more
  • Multicast route mapping and analysis
  • Service guide (ESG) and program details
  • Closed captioning and watermarks
  • Record, import, and manage PCAP files
  • Customized reports and email notifications New!
  • Personalized web-based dashboards New!
  • Color mapping for at-a-glance tracking
  • Import and export configuration files
  • User accounts for managed access
  • Unix-based client-server architecture

Click to enlarge.

Home Page Rules Configuration
 Multicast Analysis RF Data

TV Technology 2016 Product Innovation Awards 2016 Product Innovation Award

"StreamScope XM makes it practical for broadcasters to launch early deployments and trials of ATSC 3.0, ushering in a new era of digital television.” - TV Technology

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