rackmount MPEG stream analyzer

Designed for studio and headend installations, the StreamScope MT-60R is a state-of-the-art MPEG analyzer for centralized transport stream troubleshooting across DTV networks.
Centralized MPEG analysis
This robust rackmount server supports RF, SMPTE, ASI, QAM, DVB, 1 GigE, and 10 GigE inputs. It analyzes up to ten inputs at a time, monitors video and audio quality, and verifies standards compliance.
With multiple inputs and remote monitoring

StreamScope MT-60R can analyze up to ten MPEG inputs simultaneously. (Click to enlarge.)
Fully integrated with StreamScope remote monitors and the StreamScope Enterprise management system, the MT-60R comprehensively analyzes video and audio from a convenient central location, providing at-a-glance analysis on-site or via the Internet. It's a field-proven tool for maintaining DTV QoS.