ATSC 1.0 and ATSC 3.0 analyzers

StreamScope Combo analyzes ATSC 1.0 Ethernet, RF,
ASI, remote monitor, and file inputs. (Click to enlarge.)
StreamScope Combo is the only broadcast stream analyzer on the market today that bridges the transition to NextGen TV.
Two analyzers, one platform
This portable or rackmount dual-architecture analyzer simultaneously monitors both ATSC 1.0 and ATSC 3.0 video, audio, data, and encrypted streams at multiple distribution points, assuring service quality and FCC compliance.
QoS assurance for hybrid DTV networks

StreamScope Combo also analyzes ATSC 3.0 Ethernet,
RF, and PCAP file inputs. (Click to enlarge.)
StreamScope Combo combines all the field-proven features of StreamScope MT-60 and StreamScope XM to provide comprehensive analysis of bitrates, system tables, multicast routes, RF parameters, EPGs, and more. It's the complete analyzer for today's DTV networks.